Requesting specific card printings in exam question card tags

I am working on an exam question about Authorized Game Cards and that question would be much improved if I could select which specific printing of a card is shown (e.g. a Secret Lair version). Is there a way to specify something like a set code for a card tag?

There is not a way to do this. We do have the ability to block clearly unsuitable card images, like some of the crazy secret lairs that are borderline unreadable. However, we don’t have the ability to select specific printings on a per-exam basis.

Also, I would discourage using this as the basis for an exam question, because many users will only see the text version of a card, and not the image.

many users will only see the text version of a card, and not the image

A very good point. (Can’t believe I didn’t think of that, as I’m big on using Oracle text for exams and I have a fondness for paper tests, where this question would be totally impracticable.)