Request to add additional answer keys for exams

When I was administering an L1 test tonight (first time using the new system), I noticed we only had the answer key that showed the correct answers but no details. I remember in judge center having the option before inputting the answers to print out the questions with the correct answer, along with the notes about the answer. Now the only way to get that now is to wait until the test is completed and enter the person’s answers. Would it be possible to add the option so we can print out the answers with the related ruling information, before the exam finalization is submitted? I thought I would ask, because this would be useful if someone was testing in an area where computer/internet access is limited, and the test materials were printed out before hand. Having this information makes going over what the person got wrong a lot easier and faster if you don’t have to input answers, since you will have the quoted rules for each question right in front of you. Thank you for any consideration you take on this request.

I would change the request a bit.
To avoid printing all the questions again, I would suggest to add the option to print out a full answer key in addition to the short answer key.
The full answer should include the correct answer and the explanation for each question, and reviewed with the actual exam.

This both saves paper by not printing the whole exam twice (once for the exam and once for the answers), and separates the questions from their answers in case someone stumbles upon a printed version of the full answer key.