Not receiving email notifications from multiple forums

I’m not receiving email notifications from multiple forums (for example all the ones for the German speaking region). I have the general setting “email + onsite notifications” and for some of the forums I have “default” and for some of them “email notification only”.
Is there a bug with the email functionality or can it be that Google Mail classifies all the mails from these forums as spam and isn’t even showing them to me?
I do receive event notifications fine.

Hmm. Since your region isn’t “german-speaking”, you normally wouldn’t even have access to that forum. You only do because you are manually set as a Moderator for that forum, so perhaps the email notification system isn’t choosing to send you the mails for that reason.

Is it only happening for Regional forums for not your primary region?

Hello Dan,
thanks for the quick reply.
My secondary regions are “German speaking countries” and “Japan” and based on that I should be able to see and access them (I can also see and post in the Japan and Korea forums). Maybe the notification system isn’t considering secondary regions when it comes to forums?
I’m receiving email notifications from my primary region.
I’m also not receiving onsite notifications for the forum “German speaking countries - Austria” (where I set that I want both types of notifications).

So it seems that is either a bug or an undocumented feature that for secondary region forums no notifications are generated.


Hello Dan,
any update on this?
Is this going to be fixed? Is it “working as designed” and I should create a feture request?
If this isn’t going to be changed then I need to keep a much closer eye (manually) on these other forums.

Yes, it is working as intended. The “secondary regions” do not grant access to regional forums. You only can see them because someone added you as a moderator manually, and as far as I can tell, that is not an intended or supported configuration.

Thank you.

Then I need to create a feature request. :slight_smile:



I’ll just re-tag this thread. You want secondary regions to affect access to regional forums?

I’m active in two regions (Europe - East and German-speaking countries). They are my main and a secondary locations.
I can access the forum for both regions (and also for Japan/Korea which is another secondary region), but I would also need to receive notifications from the forums in the secondary region(s). Without that I have to manually check in JudgeApps if there is a new post.
As I’m definitely not the only judge who is active in more than one region, this feature would help multiple other cases, too.