Last name and dci invalid search fields

When searching create for candidates in create l1 written test, last name and dci number fail with:
Error: Unable to create this exam because the candidate is still in the cooldown period for this exam due to a recent attempt. You are not able to override that cooldown. If you believe you are receiving this message in error, or if you would like to create this exam anyway, contact your Regional Coordinator.

Using exact full name with no missing characters, succeeds.

It’s an autocomplete field. You should start typing the user’s name, and then see a list of autocomplete suggestions appear. Click on the correct suggestion to choose the subject of the exam.

I tried reid, and it didn’t find a match. I tried by dci number and it still doesn’t find a match (tho reid does now).

I hit return on both when it didn’t find a match to get the error.

Well, I guarantee that DCI numbers won’t do anything. It searches by name.

If you don’t see the autocomplete appear, it might just be because the internet is slow, and giving it a few seconds - or refreshing the page - can often resolve that.