L3 Maintenance self-review - own category?


I was about to enter my 2018 self-review.
In the review form, when I select “self-review”
it asks me which role and which event this review is for.

which (1) doesn’t feel nearly as intuitive as it should and (2) feels trickier for anybody who would read them to know if this is the yearly maintenance review

Suggestion: Adding “Maintenance self-review” as a category, which would dissociate it from a role and event.



You can just leave all of those fields blank. There’s even a note saying that.
I suppose the note can be more visible.

Another option would be a checkbox that indicates whether the review is related to an event (when checked, these fields appear; when unchecked, they disappear).


I had not seen the last part of this line. Thanks.
I went back to apps and tried to select “no event”, but when I save, it attached it back to WMC Barcelona.

Nevertheless, I feel that having “Maintenance” as a category would make sense.
