I like it. Simple, useful, and it gives me an opportunity to add some links that I want there too! This is live now. You’ll see it even on users outside of your region - this is partly because it was easier to just show it on every user, and also partly because it might be useful. You’ll only see reviews/exams that you have access to, of course, but maybe you’re interested in any reviews that I wrote of your judges.
I haven’t added the certification dates. I want to, but the data that we have is not great - we’re missing a lot of advancements - and before I start displaying that data for anyone, I need a way for users to be able to correct that data.
Oh, and staff users (like Yuval) will also see a link to the admin pages for that User and DCIProfile object, which is helpful when we’re trying to help people with problems with their accounts.