In the "Level 2 Maintenance (IJP)" Checklist, Rules / Policy Refreshes is not recognized

Although I’ve passed the test, the successful result is not recognized having fulfilled the checklist.

Apparently this is kinda expected. I’ve learned today that I do not need it if I’ve passed the update quizzes.

(the text on the website suggested that I also needed a policy refresh regardless)

This requires both a Rules Refresh and a Policy Refresh in order to be fully satisfied. However, because you met a different part of the requirement (the update quizzes), the overall bar is green, and you don’t need to add anything else in that section. (There is small text near the top of the exams section that says to choose “at least one of the following two options”.)


Red highlighted sections are intended to show you what you still need to work on. Yellow means that it is not complete, but that you don’t need to worry about it, because it’s part of a group that you already completed. Green means the requirement is complete. This should probably be explained somewhere on the site.