Exam Printing Issue Margins and Layout

Answer Sheets and Answer Key chops off right side (d and e answers).
Exam ID 50050 has a line from it’s question 24 overwriting the confidential information line.

I’ve added an edited photo of the answer sheet, and two photos to demonstrate these issue. The answer sheet/key issues are printing outside the margins and the other issue is a layout problem for some questions.
IMG_7954 IMG_7953 AnswerSheet

Aww :frowning:

What OS / Browser and version are you using? Each one renders pages for printing a little differently, I’d like to try to experiment with this myself.

It looks like you’re using Firefox (and a pretty old version at that, please upgrade!). Firefox makes some decisions about printing that I don’t entirely understand. I personally recommend using Chrome for printing, as that will ensure that the answer key prints properly, and is also better at fitting cards on the page. Firefox’s printing has a few bugs that affect us, and that we can’t work around:

You might be able to resolve the issue with the answer sheet by selecting “Shrink to Fit”, as below. That’s the default for me. I’m going to make some changes to reduce font sizes and so on, as well.


Overlapping the confidentiality notice is probably unavoidable. It used to do this (below), so we changed it so the confidentiality notice was just “behind” the question. In your case, it’s only overlapping half of the warning. HTML doesn’t seem to be smart enough for me to tell the question to go to the next page instead of overlapping the warning.


Considering this abandoned.