Event > Reviewed Applications table: Sorting by "Submitted" date doesn't work

I just tried sorting the Reviewed Applications table in an event by clicking the header, and nothing happened. Sorting by other criteria works correctly (Note: I couldn’t test sorting by “Basic” since all data is the same, but all other columns work.)

Why do I need this: I’m booking hotel rooms for the conference participants. I have a late applicant that I accepted, but forgot to write down their name. All other hotel rooms have been booked and I need to add this person’s room preferences and dates to the hotel. Sorting by application date would have immediately given me the name of the latest applicant (rather than manually searching the list, which is error-prone with nearly 90 entries, or exporting as CSV to open in Excel).

Thanks, Stefan

PS: I cannot stress often enough how awesome the JudgeApps dev team is, you’re doing great work!

Can you try again? I’m not having any trouble sorting applications by “Submitted” date. Make sure you’re clicking on the word “Submitted”, and not above or below it, maybe?

Hi Dan, the error still persists.

The up/down arrows change when I click the word, but the table contents aren’t sorted.

Here’s the URL (I’m adding you to the event as admin so you can open it):

Yes - it’s working fine for me:


What web browser are you using? Maybe there’s some compatibility problem…

Most recent version of Safari on Mac.

I’ve had the opportunity to test on Chrome on a PC today, and it’s working.

I just tested this again, and sorting by “submitted” still doesn’t actually sort the table on Safari/Mac. All other columns seem to work fine.