Made event forum post for PAX East, after sent I edited the post and then it never emailed to the staff. I had to delete and repost the thread.
The thread was titled “Welcome to PAX East 2019! (Schedule Inside)”
Made event forum post for PAX East, after sent I edited the post and then it never emailed to the staff. I had to delete and repost the thread.
The thread was titled “Welcome to PAX East 2019! (Schedule Inside)”
For my future debugging: post id appears to have been 278383, task marked successfully completed but has unusually short runtime. Need to investigate logs.
Hello everyone,
On an event (MCM Series Ghent), I sent a message on the Forum, but no notification appeared to have been sent to people. Me nor another judge I asked did not receive it, even though mails were sent for other posts on the forum on that event. Mails were also received on other events when I posted there.
Did I do something weird when I wrote my topic?
Mikaël Rabie
Merged several related threads.
We had an issue where the code that sends out notification emails would intermittently fail to send any emails without logging any error. We determined that the cause was an upgrade to a new “job queue” system that was essentially too fast - it was trying to send the emails before the forum post had been fully written to the database, so it would assume that the post had been deleted (since it wasn’t in the database) and do nothing. We’ve fixed this last week by adding a delay to the email sending system, and had no other reports of this issue since then.
Thanks for your reports,