Every user which has access to applications for an event (https://apps.magicjudges.org/events/applications/list/EVENTID) also has access to e-mail addresses of all applicants via the “Export as CSV” feature.
This is in contradiction with the general approach to e-mail address confidentiality in Judge Apps. No normal user can find out e-mail address of another user except when the other user discloses it themselves via Judge e-mail sending.
Possible solution:
A. Display a disclaimer when a user is creating their application to an event informing them about the fact that anyone with the access to the application will also be able to see their e-mail address linked to the JA account.
B. Add such disclaimer to the JA Terms and conditions (if there will ever be any ).
C. Add such disclaimer to the Judge Apps account creation page (JudgeApps | Sign up) and Judge Apps account modification page (https://apps.magicjudges.org/profiles/edit). There is already a notice; so just update it with this additional info?
D. Remove the e-mail address column from the .csv export. (impractical solution as that info is sometimes really useful when organizing events).