Bug Encountered in L3 Checklist


when trying to enter additional manually entered events into the L3 Checklist I encounter this error

Hey Tobias - it looks like we’ve been getting some timeouts with our database today. If you try again, does it work? Or do you always get the same error?

I keep getting the same error
it looks like it won’t let me add any “manual” events beyond the first on the “additional 10 events tab”

Oh, I think I found the bug. You should have been getting an error asking you to enter the event type, but that code was crashing. Should be fixed now.

so uh

it’s not crashing anymore but it’s also not


I enter all the info but it doesn’t update the checklist


lmk if this is a me problem thing

Hm. I’ve tested a bit, and it looks like the error messages still aren’t being displayed properly. You can manually add an event, but if you encounter any errors while doing so, those errors aren’t being displayed.

So: Make sure you’re selecting a Role, make sure you’re selecting an Event Type (and if you choose Other, make sure you type something in “Other Event Type”, next to it). That should work for you, I was able to add a new event that way.

I’ll test it again tonight, but I did successfully enter one manual event, it just won’t let me add more
I’ll let you know if it’s still broken tonight but you may want to use this info in your bug testing