Advancement review not processing passed exam?

Attempting to submit an advancement review is giving me the following error, the candidate passed their test but it doesn’t appear to be detecting that?



You have made four reviews for that person:


Only one of those reviews can be linked to the exam. In this case, it’s this one:

I haven’t deleted the duplicates, because I’m not sure which one of the reviews has the actual content of your review in it. However, once you’ve got that review ready to go, you should delete the other drafts. You can see all of your draft reviews just below your list of Received Reviews on

Thank you! My initial draft timed out so I thought it hadn’t saved so I wrote other ones thinking they would work.

Yeah, I think you had the poor luck of submitting that review at the same moment as I was updating the server, actually. So that’s probably why you got a timeout, and maybe clicked “submit” a few too many times.