A forum for discussions with "Notifications settings default" set to OFF

(see the thread https://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/topic/47614/ for more info)

An idea came to have a section of the forum where a less strict approach to moderation would be applied. This would require that this part of the forum has its notification settings independent on the master notification settings, so Judges who have all notifications ON by default could switch this part of the forum OFF. (similar to the Test Forum? https://apps.magicjudges.org/forum/3/)

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Hello @Flamberg ,

It’s been said elsewhere, but the forum mods and PCs are actively discussing how to appropriately solve some of the concerns that have been raised. I can’t provide an answer or even an ETA, since ultimately I’m not the only decision-maker here - but we’re looking at and discussing multiple suggestions.

Can you clarify something for me: Are you looking for an Off-Topic forum (i.e. anything goes, doesn’t have to be related to MtG Judging), or are you looking for a place to have On-Topic discussions (i.e. MtG Judging, but focused on discussion rather than question-and-"O"fficial-answer)?


Hi Dan,

From my understanding of the discussion in the mentioned JA thread, it would be nice to have a subforum for on-topic discussions. But we could also have an off-topic one (at last).

So far it looks like an option could be to have the original Competitive and Regular sub-forums renamed (“Competitive REL Q&A”, “Regular REL Q&A”) with automatic lock enabled (similar to Rules Q&A) and new sub-forums created (“Competitive REL Discussion”, “Regular REL Discussion”).